Blog Posts


Integrating Azure AD into the solution that allows an Electron Native application access to a .NET web API

6 minute read


This article shows how to build a solution for a Native application to access the web API deployed under Azure active directory authentication. The authentication scenario of this sample can be found in [Native application to web API Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD] (


Eclipse plugin development: how to open two parallel editors programmatically

5 minute read


Depends on the Eclipse version on which your plugin is developed, the methods of opening two editors in an eclipse plugin programmatically are quite different due to the evolvement of the Eclipse SWT. I tried many solutions provided by others online, but none of them work perfectly on my environment. Finally, I reused some source code of the “New Editor (Side by side)” feature of Eclipse fulfill the requirement for my own plug-in.

GeekWeek 2017 in Ottawa

5 minute read


As so many people keep asking me about what is Geekweek and what I did in Geekweek, I finally decided to write it down. I did give brief answers every time when I got the questions for GeekWeek. But it seems that it is hard to make it clear enough in a short answer, especially when I told them that I built a visualization application which doesn’t sound like related to cyber security. With this article, next time when people ask me what I have done in those 9 days on the other side of Canada, I would send them this blog and they will get a full picture of Geekweek. By structuring this article as questions and answers, after reading this, you are supposed to get a basic idea of GeekWeek and able to find the necessary information about it.